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Would you like to have the new Wellness Exam using iScan from Optovue performed today? 

Dr. Ricardo Silva is committed to providing the best care for the health of your eyes and is now providing a new service – The Wellness Exam.  Using the iScan from Optovue, this new state-of-the-art technology allows for a quick, painless and non-invasive scan of the retina.

Why is this important?

With the Wellness Exam, Dr. Silva can go beyond what is visible on the surface of the retina.  This technology can see through the 10 layers of the retina which may assist in finding diseases and/or irregularities that cannot be visible solely with a dilated fundus exam.  The health of the retina is crucial, because it is the tissue inside the eye responsible for transmitting the images you see, to your brain. Early detection of these diseases and/or irregularities can help with treatment and prevention to preserve the vision.

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Some of the things Dr. Silva is looking for:

  • Diabetes - can cause hemorrhages in the retina and/or swelling in the macula (area of the retina responsible for your central vision)

  • Glaucoma – can cause early damage to the ganglion cell complex of the retina which can be detected with the wellness scan.

  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (Wet/Dry) – This causes loss of vision at the center of your field of vision with leaky blood vessels that grow under the retina.

  • Post Vitreous Detachment (PVD) – a PVD is when the vitreous (gelatinous substance in the eye) liquefies, condenses and may be disconnect from the retina.  The scan can help determine if there are tears or breaks in the retina.